With Valentines weekend upon us, we just couldn't dip anywhere, it really did need to be "Buttermere" , simply because she is so so Beautiful , and with a limited amount of winter sunshine , we got lucky and that beauty was clear to see, wow, just wow, what a back drop.
WE had some FUN as we always do on these trips, lol.... Inflatable Heart Shapes , Red Heart Swim caps , and some very Fancy Cossies, Whit Whoo goes to our Louise.... hehe..

Local Air temp was 4 degs, with a wind chill making it feel somewhat Baltic, burrr''''' Add to that a water temp of 4.7degs, this was a tough dip, but dip we did..

So Inflatable's at the ready , lets go Girls.....

With plenty of rocks under foot as we made our way in, everyone was trying there best as to not fall IN...
Once deep enough to dip, we took a breathe and lowered ourselves down into that 4.7deg water, WHOA, WOW.... double WOW..... such a feeling , nothing comes close to that I FEEL A LIVE feeling when you dip into cold water, Yeah, good times indeed.
Check out our Lisa , getting herself ready to dip ... hehe, you go girl.!!!

Have a look at these amazing Ladies , ill be honest, we all wanted to play around more than we did, but !!! we have to keep safe, so with an eye on the clock, and with constant checks that everyone was happy, something we always do here on our dips, is this, we enter the water Happy & we Leave Happy, no good pushing to far, knowing your own limits and checking with your whole group is a safe way to help each other. But we did manage to get one awesome line up shot... wow...

I can promise you all that Lisa is actually enjoying her in the above line up shot, she just forgot to tell her face , hehe,,,, 3,2,1 Smile... lol..
The recovery......... OMG, the pain in my feet , and fingers, wow, i was really feeling the cold today, anyhow , warm up Hot chocolate did the trick, as did a huge Steak n Ale Pie with mash & gravy at the famous Buttermere Pie shop..
Once back at the car it was Rewards & Medals for everyone, we do try our best here to set new standards and keep ahead of the rest..... and lets be honest, these Ladies truly deserved a Medal and a Heart Shaped Treat..
Oo and one final picture, as not to be left out on the cossie front, bob was sporting some rather special shorts, OMG.... hehe...
for your eyes only......
Much love to all , thank you.
yours bob
